$BMOON Tokenomics

Earn 150,000% APY just by holding!

CONTRACT 100% LP Burnt Ownership Renounced

$BMOON is a positive rebase token It rewards holders with an extra 1% of their holdings directly into their wallet every 12 hours. This is equivalent to 150,000% APY. If you buy 1k USD worth of $BMOON & hold for 1 year, you'd make $1 million Hold & Rebase.

REWARDS 1% every 12 hours (150,000% APY) automatically deposited to wallet

We will never lower or raise the APY of the project, it is a static/fixed APY. We will have other utilities that will take pressure off the APY in the future such as our lottery game. We will also do weekly burns of the total token supply to control inflation.

The APY is sustained by Taxes outlined below.

TAXES 5% Buy Tax 15% Sell Tax

These taxes enable the protocol to capture significant funds used to pay expenses, reward token holders, and further develop the project through marketing and utilities.


Initial Supply = 100,000 $BMOON

  • 45,000 Burnt Forever

  • 45,000 for Airdrop Programs


  • 6,000 Liquidity

  • 4,000 Marketing

Last updated